Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Little Primer

My name is Cameron and I am 26 years old. Most of the people reading this blog initially will no doubt know that already, as they probably already know me. I have been playing poker regularly for roughly 3 years now. I have had good results on a local level but have not been able to go above that by making a big score. My goal is to become a poker professional, and become a player who is regularly doing well in the biggest games and tournaments. I am just a regular guy, I have a day job and rent, and still drive the same car I did when I was 18. I do not have an unlimited bankroll or someone to give me more money when it runs out. This assertion to poker greatness is a lofty goal, but it is a goal none the less.

I created this blog for a handful of reasons. The first is that I feel this would be a good way to chronicle my results and learn from my mistakes. I have never been very good at logging my results, so this could be a more interesting way to do that. The second reason for this blog is so people who know me can keep track with my poker successes (and failures I suppose). This is as good of a way as any of keeping everyone in the know about how my poker is going, and this may also give them some more insight into what it is I do and why. The last reason for this blog is that I like to write, and I feel like this blog may be able to un-cloud the mystery of poker for some people. If people are interested in poker, but do not really know how it works, this blog is also for them.

So thus concludes the prologue to this blog and my poker career, I hope you stick around, this will be nothing if not interesting.

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